Empty Nest With Me

Feeling Old and Wrinkly…and trying to not feel ugly.

· In the Grand Scheme of Things...Do Wrinkles Really Matter? A Peak into this Empty Nester's Psyche ·

March 6, 2019 20 Comments

Why are wrinkles such a topic? And why do cosmetic companies lie to us about their ability to make them go away? And, why do we buy into their nonsense when we know this a complete bunch of poppycock? Yes, I believe our skin can get healthier but, sans the surgery, those wrinkles are not going away folks.

It’s such a dilemma.  On the inside I feel like a teenager but when I catch sight of my reflection in the mirror, I wonder who that haggard old lady is.   

Wrinkles really cramp our style…don’t they friends?

 If a face lift made you look like yourself, only younger, like your 20-something self, I may be tempted to try it.  But even then, after watching videos of doctors cutting people’s faces off and then re-stretching them, is so beyond horrifying that I’d be too chicken to succumb to the surgeon’s scalpel, even if the results would make me gloriously gorgeous!

Most people I know who have had facial surgery, now look like somebody else…and often they look quite bizarre.  No offense to those people who are brave enough to allow their face to be sliced off…just keeping it real.  I don’t like it.  It reminds me of when you’re a kid and you use your finger to slightly push your nose into a mini-pig face.  It’s hysterical!  And it completely distorts the way you look. 

Photo credit

Case in point…Renee Z is still beautiful but it doesn’t look like her anymore.


Another case in point…I mean she is much smoother but I think she looks better before and it doesn’t even look like the same emu…

I will admit that I have a few girlfriends who make surgery very tempting. They look fantastic. In fact maybe I am just being sour grapes since I’m too cheap to spend money on plastic surgery…However, in my gut, I feel like I would not have good results…I just know I would be the one who ended up looking like a freak!

So, surgery is not for this big chicken.

I’ve decided that my husband is just going to have to love me with all of my flaws.  I told him that he should stop getting his eyeglass prescription updated so he could just continue to see me through a lovely gaussian blur. That way, I will still look like the smooth-skinned high school beauty he remembers instead of the wrinkly old hag I’ve become.

(Side note…I just googled Old Hag and apparently there is an Old Hag Syndrome which might be more frightening to think about than a face lift.  Don’t google it unless you want to be horrified out of your wits)

I especially hate neck wrinkles. 

It is seriously hard for me to look at my wrinkly neck.  I often sport turtle necks and scarves even in the summertime.  Do you think people are on to me?  Do you think they know I’m hiding my hideous turkey neck under my wool turtle neck in the Summer?



Here’s a funny story about not growing old gracefully!

My girlfriends and I used to have a trick when taking pictures together.  As we lined up for a picture, we would discretely reach behind our necks and pull the skin as tight as possible to flatten out the crepe paper, gobble-gobble eyesore that was sabotaging the delusion that we were still in our 20’s!  It was quite effective, even if it made people wonder where our arms had disappeared to, and we always got a great smile out of it too! Not to mention bursting into laughter, after we heard the click of the camera, at the sheer absurdity of our antics!

So to capitalize on that innovative technique of neck smoothing, I had this great idea that I would invent a thin bandage type thing that you could tape to the back of your neck and just wear around town to fool everyone…sort of like a giant band-aid. (As if anyone besides me really cares if I have smooth neck…I know!) 

Genius, right?  I seriously thought I had dreamed this up and it was some new and brilliant idea.

One day, my sister Mitchie burst my bubble when she showed up with my genius invention, which someone else had stolen right out of my brain! 

Check This Out…

Here’s a news flash and a double bubble burst…apparently, this wrinkle tape stuff has been around since before Joan Crawford and Marlene Dietrich. Have I been living under a rock?  Where have I been?  Perhaps I haven’t been focusing on my beauty as much as I should.  I’m clearly way behind the times.

The truth is, this neck tape actually does the trick!  It gives you a nice tight neck, wrinkle free with no side effects. Well, no side effects other than ripping out the hair on your neck when you remove it and the devastation you feel when, after removal, your neck is back to its sag-fest. Plus, you have to make sure you don’t get too ambitious as you gather up your skin and pull it too tight on your throat making it difficult to swallow and even breath causing suffocation and death.

But, other than that, it’s a miracle worker.

Why do we care so much?  I mean at this age we’re not usually looking to attract a partner who doesn’t have the same turkey neck issues and, if we’ve already got our man, well… they’re stuck with us!

And girlfriends, wrinkles are not an illness.  They are just, let’s say… A New Look.  They’re little trophies we carry on our face to commemorate all the living we’ve done.

So, why do we fret?  We should embrace these glorious lines we’ve earned and worked for all our 50 plus years. Right?

No seriously…

Is there anyone out there who truly doesn’t fret about this? 

I would love to be this WOKE!

Using an 
improper word in an incorrect tense to attempt to attach some worldly signifigance to a person or object (books, screenplay, etc.) so that one appears to be “hip.” In actual fact, this usage shows one’s ignorance and inability to use words and feelings to express oneself properly.
A celebrity guest on Talking Dead used “
woke” to describe the episode of The Walking Dead when elightened or relevant may have made better choices. Keep in mind that this is a fictional show about Zombies.
August Strindberg May 13, 2018

I’m not that woke/enlightened. I still fret! I mean ego, vanity, self esteem, insecurity, blah blah blah…

Hmmmm… should I consider Botox again for my forehead wrinkles?  Maybe if I had a smooth forehead, no one would notice my unsightly and despicable neck wrinkles. 

PS, I wore that neck tape for this picture!

And Lucas, the photographer, blurred my forehead wrinkles for me.

Pretty good, right?


Wrinkles…there is no answer.

In all seriousness, friends, I’m all over the place on this issue. As of right now…I’ve decided that I’m going to embrace growing old gracefully. I’m going to continue to eat healthy, exercise and do all the right things to be the best I can be without artificial means. The aging process should be so natural and I’m going to try not to fight it every step of the way.

Hopefully tomorrow I won’t change my mind in a moment of weakness!

I’d truly love to get to the point of being mentally ok with wrinkles. It is shallow and silly to even worry about it…definitely a “first world problem”. I found my own sweet 91 year old mom, beautiful and interesting. Look at her hands below. They have lived so much life. They tell a story. So, why can’t I feel that way about myself? It’s a struggle, but I’m going to get there.

My Sweet Momma’s Beautiful Hands.

Talk to me girlfriends…are you growing old gracefully or are you kicking and screaming the whole way? xoxo Jill


  1. Reply


    March 28, 2019

    Thank you for this article. As an almost 59 year old I can absolutely relate! I think one of my biggest challenges has been clothes. I feel like I can wear certain “cute” things. They fit. But when I look in the mirror, the image says “NO, NO, NO”! I can shop in Juniors but I can’t!! And even if I do get the crazy idea to wander over that way, when I see young girls, I just KNOW they are thinking, well, the same thing I thought about 30 years ago, lol. “Why is that old lady shopping in OUR section”? Great article and so true!!!

    • Reply


      March 28, 2019

      Hello Jill! I can relate to the clothes dilemma too! I so often find myself wearing the clothes my daughter wears and then I think, “wow…I’m am too old for this outfit!” HA! Lately I find that I wear a lot of black and turtle necks…basic and boring. You know, playing it safe. I don’t want to look frumpy but I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard to stay young. Ugh…I’m sure there are more important things to worry about! Hey…and good for you for being able to shop in the juniors! You obviously take great care of yourself and that’s what matters! Thank you so much for your comment! xo Jill

  2. Reply

    Paula Mills

    April 3, 2019

    Beautiful Jill!
    Yep, wrinkles SUCK and my entire body is sagging but I guess that goes with the territory when a person nears 70. So, like you I’ll use scarves, tape, and black to hide some imperfections and not look in the mirror after noon!

    • Reply


      April 3, 2019

      Great advice…maybe I’ll just look in the mirror in the morning to make sure my hair isn’t sticking up and then just ignore my reflection the rest of the day! xo

  3. Reply


    April 16, 2019

    Oh Jill, all is so true and your ma ma’s hands sure did tell a story😘

    • Reply


      April 16, 2019

      Thank you for your comment Lana! I know. It’s so tough feeling young and then that mirror just bursts our bubble! And yes, my momma’s hands were beautiful and I loved the way they looked. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to embrace being that kind of beautiful, yet! xoxo

  4. Reply


    April 23, 2019

    I am going gracefully, and doing the best I can to preserve what I have. But yeah… I hate the wrinkles, the sagging, the discoloration. But I enjoy the wisdom and the benefit of having life experience.

    • Reply


      April 24, 2019

      Vicki…That’s the spirit! We earned these wrinkles! xoxo

  5. Reply


    May 2, 2019

    Hi Jill,

    I’m really up the task of reading at least one entry a day and today I might have overdone myself, if you noticed I began calling you Jill because I feel like I know you more than just knowing you are Gavin’s mom, in fact, Gavin who?… (psht yeah right) anyway, this like all of your posts hits right in the nail for me and makes me realize I am not alone in this aging journey.

    I am not your age yet but I did turn 31 this year, I have always considered my self vain enough to spend 1 hour doing my hair and trying to put on make-up tops… but I do care about how I look and I begin to notice aging changes.

    Not too long ago as I was putting on some mascara I saw my neck! I realized I had those three marks right under my chin and then I got on Instagram and started to look in random people and celebrities’ necks, and then I looked at pictures of myself. I soon realized some people have some, others don’t and I, have had them since I was a kid… I still feel pretty insecure about my neck though, but I do kind of try not to think about it too much.

    I guess we all are headed to the same place inevitably (and my psychology book said so last year) but it is nice to accept changes and let time run its course as it should. Surgery is a maybe for me but take it from a woman who has never ever had a surgery in her life and feels like she is dying with cramps. Also, I was watching a show last year called “Botched” where doctors would try and fix surgeries that went wrong for patients and that made me reconsider if I maybe was not more like a no, but what do I know, right?

    I would say to you to just please do whatever makes you happy; be cautious enough and whatever you do whether is surgery, botox or the neckband do it for yourself, the people who love you, and love us women (thank goodness) do love us no matter what we look like or what we wear.

    On a side note, this love talk at the end made me remember a book I read when I was like 15 thinking I was in love. I read in Spanish though but I did some quick research and it is called: “The art of Loving” it is by Erich Fromm; I’m not sure if that is the kind of reading you’d enjoy but it is pretty good I re-read it a couple years ago and is at the top of my list. I just realized your blog makes me think and reminisce a lot about my life.

    I might come back tomorrow, if not Happy Friyay!
    Angelica V.

    • Reply


      May 3, 2019

      Hello Angelica!
      One of my dear girlfriends just had a “lower face lift”. I can’t wait to see how she likes it. When I was chatting with her about it, I was thinking, “wow, she does not need this. She is so beautiful already.” It’s weird how we see all the flaws in ourselves and others don’t really.

      I mostly don’t look in the mirror so that I can keep looking the way I want to in my mind…haha! But, then I see photos and I’m given a giant dose of reality! Oh well…it is what it is!

      “The Art of Loving”…I will have to put that on my list!

      xoxo Jill

  6. Reply


    May 5, 2019

    Hello Jill!

    I felt my previous comment was too long and forgot to mention that the reason why I was reminded of the book was that the book has, what I consider, a very interesting approach on self-love.

    I read it expecting a novel because at that age that’s all I cared about but it is definitely not one.

    • Reply


      May 5, 2019

      Ok, good to know. I love when people recommend books. Now I just have to find the time to read! haha! Thank you, Angelica!

  7. Reply

    Jo Anne

    May 8, 2019

    Hi, Jill.
    Wow!! I read through and it’s amazing how, at heart, we are young; but, see the same aging person when we walk by a mirror. I always hoped to age gracefully; but, sadly, I am not. So, for those of us who need to settle for acceptance, I have a question. What is more important…….The light that we exude from within or our packaging? Of course, when we’re young, it’s definitely the packaging as we are still discovering what turns on our inner light and what we are passionate about. My mother would never color her hair. As she got older, her hair color turned a salt and pepper color. The hair stylists would try to convince her to color her hair. “Take the grey out….it would make you look younger.” My mother would tell them that she would never color her hair as she earned every single grey/silver hair on her head and was proud of each one. I have to admit that I was probably responsible for most of them…..lol….. I think with each stage of life there is an acceptance, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to look our best; but, as you say, Jill, some take looking younger to an extreme and you have to weigh the pros and cons. I would not resort to anything drastic either….it scares me. My husband once said to me that he didn’t understand what I saw in him. It broke my heart. I told him that no one sees what I do when I look into his eyes. Ultimately, I think, we come to the conclusion that beauty really does radiate from the inside out. I like Dolly Parton’s line in Steel Magnolias…..”Time marches on and eventually it marches across your face.” Be happy with who you are. Mother Nature will take her course and we’ll all walk it with her. Thank you, Jill. It helps to know that we are not alone in our feelings about aging. It also helps to maintain our sense of humor about it as you have. Much love, Jo Anne

    • Reply


      May 9, 2019

      JoAnne…It really does help to know we are not alone in our feelings about aging. I also think that after you love someone a long time, you don’t really see the aging. You just see the loving soul inside.
      I love that your mom wouldn’t color her hair. My mom was the same. And I thought the gray was beautiful.
      As I do my best to grow old gracefully, I have to admit that I still appreciate when my photos are good and blurry so I can fool the world about my wrinkles. Haha!
      Thank you for comments, as always. Xo Jill

  8. Reply


    June 13, 2019

    I’m in my early 40’s and already paranoid. However, like you said once you are married they are stuck with you anyway. The people you care about don’t really care if you have wrinkles. Aside from our kids who think you are a hundred anyway.

    • Reply


      June 14, 2019

      HAHAHA…Vanessa. It’s true, kids think we are older than dirt. I remember distinctly when my mom was 42 and I thought she was ancient and I wondered if I’d live to be that old. I’m so thankful that I’ve made it to the ripe old age of 57! I wish I didn’t care about wrinkles. Ugh. They get worse by the day after menopause…seriously. I already blur my wrinkles in my pictures. Soon, all my pics will look like a painting…so fake. My kids make fun of me! Oh well…just doing what I can short of a face-lift!
      Thank you for your comment ya old lady! haha. Much love to you! Jill

  9. Reply


    March 11, 2020

    A perfect article. I recently lost a large amount of weight and my neck is wrinkled and sagging. My face has lines on both sides from the side thing. I dislike looking at self in the mirror. Even so I have invested in Turtle Neck Sweaters and lots of scarves and I am making it work. Summer is soon to come and I plan on continuing wearing the scarves. I don’t know if I had money if I would be brave enough to do the Cosmetic Surgery. I made up my mind to keep on going forward and dealing with it the best way I know for now. One day I’m sure I will simply have to face the fact.

    • Reply


      April 3, 2020

      Hi Sheba!

      It sounds like we are on the exact same page about wrinkles/aging! Ugh…such a dilemma! We will just have to strive to be beautiful on the inside and vow to be kind to ourselves when we glance in the mirror.

      And… always move through life with grace, gratitude and gusto!

      Sending love and sisterhood! xoxo Jill

  10. Reply

    Lisa K.

    February 11, 2021

    Thank you for such an honest post. I’m facing 40 this year and the greys and wrinkles are becoming more noticeable. My girlfriends and I are all determined to age gracefully and reading about other women who are doing the same definitely helps. My children are still young (5&6) so I get the added bonus of constantly comparing myself to younger moms. I think in today’s world of filters and plastic surgery, it’s important to have the other side of that spectrum represented too. There’s a unique beauty in accepting and dare I say, loving, our changing bodies. Thank you for sharing.

    • Reply


      February 19, 2021

      Hi Lisa!
      Thank you for your comment. I have my strong days and my weak days for sure! I bet it’s hard to be around younger moms…why do we always compare ourselves?
      My friend had a face lift and she looks fantastic. It’s so tempting. I think I will continue to do the best I can with what I’ve got and ignore the mirror whenever possible!
      PS…40, pshhhhh…you’re a mere baby!

      Sending love…Jill